Printed from a copperplate in which I have created the picture through etching in Ferríc Chloride acid. The ironside of the plate is covered with an etching ground in which I draw the picture. When drawing in the etching ground the marks frees the copper from the ground and the etching acid bites/makes a mark on the plate. These bites/marks creates the picture in the plate. The backside of the copper plate is covered with an acid resist. When the etching is finished it is time to print the plate on ph-neutral cotton paper.

Etching and drypoint printed on 350gr Hahnemuhle paper. Edition of 6 where all have a different brownish colour. From May 2024.

Etching and drypoint printed on 350gr Hahnemuhle paper. Edition of 6 where all have a different brownish colour. From May 2024.

Etching and drypoint printed on 350gr Hahnemuhle paper. Edition of 6 where all have a different brownish colour. From May 2024.

Etching and drypoint printed on 350gr Hahnemuhle paper. Edition of 6 where all have a different brownish colour. From May 2024.